Episerver developer meetup at Helsinki
What happened in the first Episerver developer meetup held in Helsinki
Automatic updates to your Windows desktop application
How to use Squirrel to create an automatic updater for a Windows desktop application
Title missing
Some domains do not allow any attributes to be missing or unknown, but most domains contain at least some attributes which can be unknown, missing or undefined. Be sure to pay extra attention on attributes that can be missing. Using NULL in relational databases divide approaches within programmer community. In my experience some of us absolutely detest using NULLs and some of us cope with NULLs. I belong to the latter group.
Elastic{ON}16 was held in San Francisco and Solita participated there. Here is what we learned.
Solita Developer Manifesto
An attempt at putting to words what makes Solita a great place to work, and what is expected of developers, new and old alike.
Documentation pipeline is the next DevOps step
Going beyond continous delivery, we want to automate documentation and other things related to development. We'll define the term documentation pipeline and provide a practical example of implementing automated database documentation by generating the document with Travis CI and automatically publishing it to Amazon S3.
Back to Business
Turning from a mother into a software developer. A normal day for me.
Installing server environment with PowerShell
Automize your IIS webserver installation with PowerShell
Testing ClojureScript Concurrency with Servant
Web workers make it possible to create real multi-threaded web applications but they can be pain to work with. Does ClojureScript make it any easier?
Measuring Episerver site performance
A ready-to-use JMeter performance test project that will tear your site to pieces, or not. Just add URLs!
Things to be aware of while integrating Active Directory with Episerver
Episerver comes with built-in functionality for AD integration, but while working on the integration I ran into multiple issues that would likely affect others as well, so I compiled those issues and their solutions into a blog post
Dynamic SQL in applications: how to handle dynamic WHERE clauses
The only way to make efficient SQL database queries is to include their SQL code in your application. There is a very common need for dynamic SQL that textual SQL templates do not cover very well, or at all. That is the case where we want to have a varying number of WHERE conditions in a database query.
Case aloitepalvelut – Moving closer to Continuous Delivery while updating infrastructure
Time to update your infrastructure is also a time to update your deployment pipeline!
Java 9 Jigsaw modules Part deux
Going deeper into upcoming Java 9 module system and how to keep your code running
Security controls in continuous integration
Solita was at Need 4 Speed Rovaniemi and talked about continuous integration security controls among other things.
Installing development environment with PowerShell
Few ideas how to use .NET to ease the everyday burden of your .NET developers
Raiders of the lost entropy
When entropy runs low, things are amiss. What, why and how to rectify the situation.
Awesomeness of Spring Boot 1.3 Fully Executable Jars
Spring boot 1.3 provides easy way to run Java programs as unix service
Writing automated tests for EPiServer websites
What to test on the server side and how to test code interacting with the content repository
Goodbye classpath - welcome Java 9
Java 9 module system is going to kick out the old classpath