The DevDay of Solita - See the pictures!
The DevDay of Solita is something many people wait eagerly for each year. What kind of event it is and why on Earth people are willing to travel even from Oulu to spend a day and night together with colleagues in Sappee. Let's find out!
GitHub Copilot - let AI write your code?
Using tools to increase effectiveness has been a long-standing trend in the software development community. Latest wave comes in form of GPT-3, OpenAI, and ultimately GitHub Copilot. Let's try to answer the question: Can AI write your code?
Do's and Dont's of Dev Academy Pre-assignments
The fall 2021 Solita Dev Academy applicants were required to submit a pre-assignment as part of the recruitment process. We were part of the team reviewing the pre-assignments and wanted to share some insights gained from the experience.
Am I you or someone else or nobody - Probabilistic entity linking
Even as the world is more and more digital there still are analog parts where there is no identifier for an entity. This causes the need to somehow identify if a certain piece of data is the same as another instance of that data. In this blog, I'm going to demonstrate how to do probabilistic entity matching and the performance aspects of that process.
Software Engineering and everything related - Software and Project as systems
Have you ever wondered why a change to software produces unexpected results? Taking a system theory flavored view might help software developers. Read on to find out more!
Grokking Clojure transducers
What are transducers and why should I care? Here's an attempt to answer that question.
Rudiments of Data Wrangling in Rust
The Rust programming language is typically positioned for systems programming, but there is nothing stopping us from enjoying it for basic data wrangling tasks like those often done in Python.
Devs be like
Is the (work) life of a developer just coding? Do we all spend our free time exploring new programming languages or other related stuff?
Type Phantoms and Safe APIs
Writing both frontend and backend of a web application in TypeScript allows using common model type definitions in both. Let's explore one technique to make the API calls type-safe as well.
Why avoid an ORM
I happened to discourage using an ORM in our company internal Slack, and suddenly found myself needing to explain some problems common in ORMs. I got a little bit carried away, and the explanation turned into this blog post.
I challenged low-code with code
Low-code platforms will account for 65% of application development by 2024. Why? Can the low-code productivity gains be challenged with traditional coding? In this blog, I'm going to try to find out.
Locust makes performance testing easy
Locust is a load testing tool where user behavior is defined with Python code. This blog post gives you a few hints on how and why to use Locust.
Automatically generated API tests with Clojure and Reitit
Is your entire API tested? Maybe you should test that.
Watch your dependencies (dependency confusion and other attacks)
Do you know how exactly your build tool resolves your dependencies? Are you sure? Dependency confusion is yet another subtle attack that can hit you if you are not careful, but it's definitely not the only one.
Generalist Specialization and The Impostor Syndrome
Impostor syndrome is a common visitor in our profession. We are often in charge of shaping the world of the future, while boldly going to new, unknown areas. In this article I'll touch on what is impostor syndrome, how to recognize it, what to do about it, and how it relates to being a generalist.
Emotional Code
What does programming feel like? How is the emotional life of a coder? Let's talk about our feelings.
AWS Antipatterns
Cloud platforms offer unprecedented agility, innovation, and speed. Yet I see the same mistakes being repeated over and over again. This blog post is a collection of some of the pitfalls we unknowingly fall into.
Mastering AWS Kinesis Data Streams, Part 2
This is the second part of the blog post where I talk about the things you should know when working with AWS Kinesis Data Streams.
An unexpected acquaintance? Data Validation in R
R is popular programming language and is famous for statistical analysis and stunning visualizations. But it is not limited to those tasks, here we take a look how it can be used to do data validation on a Snowflake database.
Why a developer should know OWASP?
OWASP stands for Open Web Application Security Project. Why should I be interested in OWASP as a developer? If I'm not a hacker or cybersecurity specialist, and we don't even handle any sensitive information in our project, can I just skip the OWASP? Well, the answer is "nope".