What is WAI-ARIA and When to Use It
An introduction to WAI-ARIA and a brief comparison of it with HTML.
The X-Files - Or which build system to pick?
Is the grass greener on the other side or are Makefiles the only thing you will ever need? Let's explore modern options commonly referenced online.
Transforming a Reactive App into an Installable Standalone App- Journey with OutSystems
Are you curious how to turn your reactive web app into a native-like installable app? Dive into our guide to learn how to craft a standalone, fullscreen experience using OutSystems and bring your app closer to a true native feel.
Server-Sent Events (SSE)
A light-weight introduction to Server-Sent Events (SSE), how it compares to WebSocket, and a simple example demonstrating SSE with Node.js and Express.
What is a list anyway?
Programmers work with lists every day, but what are they? Take a look at some wisdom of the ancients on how to work with lists properly.
Debugging Keycloak and
Since version 24, Keycloak refuses to decrypt SAML assertions using a signing certificate. This is how we worked around it.
Visual testing with Storybook
Turn your Storybook stories into visual tests with Storybook Test Runner
Devcontainers - Goodbye to dependency hassle
Describes devcontainers and how to use them to setup development environments easily.
Advent of Low-code - Solving Advent of Code 2023 with OutSystems
OutSystems is a low-code platform that promises lightning-fast development with less coding, but how well will it do when we pit it against tasks that require more complex algorithms?
Are You Ready to Low-Code Green? Introduction to Sustainable Canvas App and Power Automate Development
Some insight and ideas how to implement green coding practicisies in Canvas App and Power Automate Development.
The things I like about ClojureScript and Re-Frame
A short list of things that make me glad about working with ClojureScript and Re-Frame in the front end
Using Azure without secrets, Part 2
Utilizing managed identity and role-based access control instead of a secret value when authenticating to a Azure resource.
What makes a design system good?
A frontend developer's view on the most important aspects of a design system that provides value to its users.
OWASP top ten 2021 explained with non-technical examples, Part 2
How could we make the most typical risks of web applications aware of all project personnel, to improve the quality of the entire web infrastructure? Part 2 blog post about OWASP top 10 with physical world analogies.
Using Azure without secrets, Part 1
Managing secrets properly is hard and that's why you should avoid it whenever possible. Here's how to login to Azure CLI in GitHub Actions without secrets.
Playwright for the rest of us
Playwright is a great tool but unluckily it doesn't include bindings for every language... until now.
OWASP top ten 2021 explained with non-technical examples, Part 1
How could we make the most typical risks of web applications aware of all project personnel, to improve the quality of the entire web infrastructure? Part 1 blog post about OWASP top 10 with physical world analogies.
Unveiling the Power of Streamlit in Snowflake - A Guide to Hosting Interactive Apps in Snowflake
Creating and hosting Streamlit applications in Snowflake, a comprehensive guide
Gophercon 2023 San Diego
A blog post about my visit to Gophercon 2023 San Diego, held 25-28.9.2023
MSc Thesis presentation - Low-Code and OWASP ASVS
OutSystems compliance with ASVS (OWASP Application Security Verification Standard)