Elasticsearch as read database
Elasticsearch is a powerful, open-source search and analytics engine. It was initially released in 2010 and has since been adopted widely. Solita has a long history of using Elasticsearch and has found good use cases for it. One of them is using Elasticsearch as a read database on top of traditional SQL database. This architecture has the benefit of modeling full domain relations to the SQL database and getting the lightning-fast searches from Elasticsearch where needed.
Edge computing, some ways to make it happen
Running workloads on the edge is a tricky business. You need to solve problems regarding device authentication, reliable deployments, monitoring and messaging. Luckily there are tools to help with these things, actually there are a lot of tools to help you. In this blog post I go over some of them. I have stuck with services from AWS and Azure, mainly because these can be used for a quite broad set of use cases (they are not specific for a certain automation system or domain for that matter) but also, many companies already have some operations in of these, so they sit nicely to their technological landscape.
Edge computing, what and where is it?
An introduction to edge computing
How We Feel about Tech, DevX and GenAI - Solita Developer Survey 2024 Results
The Solita Developer Survey was conducted again in 2024. This time 322 Solitans from six countries shared their preferences regarding technologies, processes and tooling. This summary of the survey results shows which tech is hot and which is not in Solita in 2024.
Building a Static Website from JSON Data with Astro
An overview of the Astro web framework and practical experiences using it to build a static website from a large collection of JSON data files.
Abstraction alienation
When abstractions become alienating
Learning a programming language with generative AI
Experiences from learning a programming language with generative AI.
Keycloak and from scratch
Simple step-by-step instructions on how to configure e-Identification as an identity broker on Keycloak.
What is WAI-ARIA and When to Use It
An introduction to WAI-ARIA and a brief comparison of it with HTML.
The X-Files - Or which build system to pick?
Is the grass greener on the other side or are Makefiles the only thing you will ever need? Let's explore modern options commonly referenced online.
Transforming a Reactive App into an Installable Standalone App- Journey with OutSystems
Are you curious how to turn your reactive web app into a native-like installable app? Dive into our guide to learn how to craft a standalone, fullscreen experience using OutSystems and bring your app closer to a true native feel.
Server-Sent Events (SSE)
A light-weight introduction to Server-Sent Events (SSE), how it compares to WebSocket, and a simple example demonstrating SSE with Node.js and Express.
What is a list anyway?
Programmers work with lists every day, but what are they? Take a look at some wisdom of the ancients on how to work with lists properly.
Debugging Keycloak and
Since version 24, Keycloak refuses to decrypt SAML assertions using a signing certificate. This is how we worked around it.
Visual testing with Storybook
Turn your Storybook stories into visual tests with Storybook Test Runner
Devcontainers - Goodbye to dependency hassle
Describes devcontainers and how to use them to setup development environments easily.
Advent of Low-code - Solving Advent of Code 2023 with OutSystems
OutSystems is a low-code platform that promises lightning-fast development with less coding, but how well will it do when we pit it against tasks that require more complex algorithms?
Are You Ready to Low-Code Green? Introduction to Sustainable Canvas App and Power Automate Development
Some insight and ideas how to implement green coding practicisies in Canvas App and Power Automate Development.
The things I like about ClojureScript and Re-Frame
A short list of things that make me glad about working with ClojureScript and Re-Frame in the front end
Using Azure without secrets, Part 2
Utilizing managed identity and role-based access control instead of a secret value when authenticating to a Azure resource.