Relational SQL databases are still the “de facto” choice for most new web applications these days, but there are other interesting options to consider. There has been a lot of interest in Clojure circles related to Datalog databases, like Datomic and XTDB, which provide a different model of programming especially as it relates to time.
Datalog need not only be for Clojure programmers, many programming languages can use it, especially ones that have good facilities for describing data. In this post, I will give a short introduction to a new library that allows using XTDB with the Erlang ecosystem. I will use the Elixir functional programming language and the popular Phoenix Framework for building web applications in it. Elixir language compiles to the same BEAM bytecode as Erlang and can seamlessly interoperate with Erlang modules.
Next, I will briefly introduce Datalog and the library, and then create a sample app with a simple LiveView component.
Datalog briefly
What is Datalog and why should a web developer care about it? Datalog provides a different programming model from the relational “table” view of things and instead focuses on entities that have attributes. Entities are open in that they can have any attributes without limitations, so there is no need to know all the columns beforehand or write migrations to add them.
Instead of tables having columns, you have entity attribute value triples (EAV) like
[:bob :likes :pizza]
and [:bob :date-of-birth 1997-04-09]
. Even joins are similarly
marked by having an attribute value be the identity of another entity. Values can either
be single values or a collection of values that are stored as separate facts (eg. Bob can
like multiple things). You can use transaction functions to make any arbitrary checks and ensure
referential integrity.
One of the best things about XTDB (and Datomic) is that it doesn’t update in-place like SQL. When you write new data, the old one is still available and you can time-travel to the past to answer queries about the state of the database at that time. Developers use git themselves to retain the full history of their work, it’s high time we give the same benefits to the users of our software!
For more details on datalog, you can watch my video on it or follow along the Learn XTDB Datalog Today tutorial.
Introducing xtdberl
To leverage XTDB from the Erlang ecosystem, I wrote a library called xtdberl (yes, naming is difficult) that integrates an XTDB node (JVM) to Erlang processes using jinterface. While XTDB does provide an HTTP API, using regular Erlang messaging makes it possible to control serialization and hook into the XTDB transaction listeners better.
As a good example tells more than a long description, here is how one would use it in Elixir:
alias :xt_mapping, as: M
defmodule Person do
## Define struct fields
defstruct [:id, :first_name, :last_name, :email]
## Define how the struct is mapped to an XTDB document
def mapping() do
[M.idmap(:id, :":person"),
M.required(M.field(:":person/first-name", :first_name)),
M.field(:":person/last-name", :last_name),
M.field(:":person/email", :email)]))
In the above example, we define a Person struct that has 4 fields, one of which will be made into the
document id when storing it. The fields are defined as Clojure keywords and we add a namespace of person
to them just for clarity (you could have attributes without namespaces as well, but I find namespaces
keep them clear). We defined the first name as a required field, this is handy because all queries will
then assert that that attribute must be present. As documents themselves are not typed in any way, we
need to have at least one required attribute that is not present in documents generated from other struct
types (or we can add a static type attribute with M.static
That is all the definition we need to do to be able to store and query persons. Calling Person.mapping()
will register the mapping for use. Calls to install mappings should be placed in the application startup.
We can now store new Persons by calling :xt.put/1
:xt.put(%Person{id: "demo1",
first_name: "Dear",
last_name: "Reader",
email: ""})
That call sends the transaction to the server and waits for a response. Here the server responds with ok and a tuple containing the new transaction id and a timestamp.
How about querying the data? That is also simple as xtdberl allows querying by providing a “candidate”
instance and automatically generates a query that will pull all instances that match the candidate.
The candidate can have field values (tested with equality) or operations like {:<, 42}
or {:textsearch, "D*"}
The comparison operators work on all types, not just numbers, so you can compare things like strings
and dates as well. The included Lucene textsearch
operator only works for text.
## Query by specific value
:xt.ql(%Person{first_name: "Dear"})
[%Person{id: "demo1",
first_name: "Dear",
last_name: "Reader",
email: ""}]
## Or by an operator, here a Lucene text search
:xt.ql(%Person{email: {:textsearch, "example"}})
[...same result as above...]
Putting it all together
With the introduction in place, it’s time to put everything together and build our app. This section assumes that you have Elixir and Phoenix Framework installed and ready to go. You will also need Java (17+) to run the XTDB database.
Create a new app
First, we initialize a new Phoenix app and remember to use the --no-ecto
parameter. Ecto
is the Elixir library typically used for interacting with datastores, especially SQL databases.
Here we don’t need it as we use XTDB directly.
mix xthello --no-ecto
cd xthello
The above command will create all the files necessary for a template application that we can
start developing. After running that command, you should have the following directory structure
created (edited for brevity with ...
├── assets ...
├── config ...
├── lib
│ ├── xthello
│ │ ├── application.ex
│ │ └── mailer.ex
│ ├── xthello.ex
│ ├── xthello_web
│ │ ├── controllers
│ │ │ └── page_controller.ex
│ │ ├── endpoint.ex
│ │ ├── gettext.ex
│ │ ├── router.ex
│ │ ├── telemetry.ex
│ │ ├── templates
│ │ │ ├── layout
│ │ │ │ ├── app.html.heex
│ │ │ │ ├── live.html.heex
│ │ │ │ └── root.html.heex
│ │ │ └── page
│ │ │ └── index.html.heex
│ │ └── views
│ │ ├── error_helpers.ex
│ │ ├── error_view.ex
│ │ ├── layout_view.ex
│ │ └── page_view.ex
│ └── xthello_web.ex
├── mix.exs
├── priv ...
└── test ...
Then we modify mix.exs
file and include the dependency by adding the
following line inside deps:
{:xt, git: "", branch: "main"}
Then we run mix deps.get
to fetch all the dependencies and we are ready to launch!
Launch an interactive shell and the application by using the command:
iex --erl "-sname xthello@localhost" -S mix phx.server
You should see startup messages and a URL that points you to http://localhost:4000
You should also see an alert stating that XTDB is not available. That is fine for now
as we haven’t started that service yet. When we do, the application will reconnect to it.
Verify that you have the app up and running by visiting the local URL above. Check the Phoenix Framework Up and Running documentation page for more details.
Modeling and connecting the database
Next, we want to create the data model we will be storing and querying. We can use the
person structure we used as a sample earlier, just place that in lib/model.ex
You can type c "lib/model.ex"
in the interactive shell and the code will be compiled
and loaded. You can then call Person.mapping()
to register the mappings for now.
Now that we have everything ready on the Elixir side, we need to go boot up our XTDB node. The easiest way to do that is to download a release and run it in demo mode:
java -jar xtdberl.jar demo
The demo parameter starts up the node with an in-memory database with default mailbox settings that doesn’t persist anything. This is good for a quick trial, but for actual use, see documentation on how to configure it properly.
After starting up the database, you should see the line [notice] 1 XTDB node is now available.
in your Phoenix console. We are ready for action!
We can now try inserting some persons in the iex console:
:xt.put(%Person{id: "demo1",
first_name: "Demo", last_name: "User",
email: ""})
{:ok, {9, {:timestamp, 1672669602522}}}
Making a LiveView component
Now that we have modeled the data we want to store and have the database connected, we are ready to make a LiveView component that uses it. Let’s make a simple person list that has a text input that is used to search people by the email field.
First, add the line Person.mapping()
to lib/xthello/application.ex
module start
function to
automatically register the mappings when we start.
Then add the line live "/people", PeopleLive
inside the "/"
in lib/xthello_web/router.ex
scope "/", XthelloWeb do
pipe_through :browser
get "/", PageController, :index
live "/people", PeopleLive # Added line
Then we create a new file lib/xthello_web/live/people_live.ex
that implements the basic
LiveView functions.
defmodule XthelloWeb.PeopleLive do
use XthelloWeb, :live_view
def mount(_params, _session, socket) do
{:ok, assign(socket, %{results: nil})}
def render(assigns) do
<.search />
<.results results={@results} />
def search(assigns) do
<input type="text" phx-keyup="update_search" phx-debounce="300" placeholder="Search by email"/>
def results(assigns) do
case assigns.results do
# Message to show when no search has been done
nil -> ~H"<div>Use search above to find people</div>"
# Message to show when search was done, but returned 0 results
[] -> ~H"<div>No results found, try something else!</div>"
# Otherwise show a table of results
results -> ~H"""
<b>Found <%= length(results) %> results!</b>
<%= for p <- results do %>
<.person_row person={p}/>
<% end %>
# Render a person row, simply pattern match all relevant data from assigns
def person_row(%{:person => %Person{first_name: first, last_name: last, email: email}} = assigns) do
~H"<tr><td><%= first %> <%= last %></td><td><%= email %></td></tr>"
def handle_event("update_search", %{"value" => term}, socket) do
# Start search with Lucene wildcard, deferring results to self.
# XTDB will send results to this process once they are ready.
case String.trim(term) do
"" -> {:noreply, assign(socket, :results, nil)}
term ->
:xt.ql(%Person{email: {:textsearch, term <> "*"}}, [defer: self()])
{:noreply, socket}
def handle_info({:ok, _queryid, results}, socket) do
# Results are received from XTDB, just assign them.
# For simplicity, we don't care about the query id.
{:noreply, assign(socket, :results, results)}
The above code snippet implements the full LiveView component we need for a simple search
and results table to display the results. It implements the standard mount
and render
functions as well as the event handling to respond to changes from the web page (handle_event
and results from the database (handle_info
). For simplicity, I have included all the markup
in the same component as well. In a larger user interface with more involved HTML markup,
I would recommend moving those to separate template files.
Above we can see the component running, with a few items of test data. We could further improve by having a loading indicator, pagination, and projection to only fetch the needed fields, but let’s leave those as exercises for the reader.
Closing remarks
In this post, we covered a simple Phoenix LiveView component that conveniently reflects our database. In my opinion, this is a very handy way to develop many types of web applications without the need for cumbersome single-page applications and REST APIs for them. Many web developers have found a new appreciation for server-side rendering. See my earlier post about Ripley which implements a similar approach for Clojure.
There’s no denying the popularity of relational databases and SQL, but I think many applications will benefit from an approach that provides a more convenient programming model for developers. Many people want to avoid Object-Relational Mapping and for good reasons. The current crop of Datalog solutions also provide full history which makes the complicated “soft delete” patterns in SQL completely unnecessary, further simplifying application code. The xtdberl library is still young and there is a lot more that can be done with it, like re-running queries when new transactions are made, but XTDB itself is based on battle-tested technology and used in production.
I expect that 2023 will be a year we see even more web development projects embrace server-side rendering instead of full single-page applications, and find that perhaps they don’t need the SPA after all.